About Factory Ultimate Club
Factory ultimate club is an elite womxn's ultimate disc club based in Canberra, Australia. We train to compete in the Australian Ultimate Championships: Division I and II. To view the 2022 rosters, click here.
Factory was founded in 2007. Since then we have sent teams to the Australian Ultimate Championships every single year. Throughout the years, many club players have represented Australia all over the world.
Factory Ultimate's 2023-2024 season is about to kick off! Get involved today.
If you would like to join our club, reach out with questions, or inquire about sponsorship opportunities, don't hesitate to get in touch.
Our Vision

Inspire |
Empower |
Compete |
Belong |
Factoy members present themselves as role models for other internal and external players, coaches, volunteers and the community. Factory sets an example for the kind of people we aspire to be athletically, socially, professionally or otherwise. This example is influenced by the Spirit of the Game. Club members are encouraged to express their intrinsic value so that they may inspire others. Club members actively seek out advice and support from each other. | Factory members are encouraged to reach their full potential regardless of age, race, religion, athletic, economic, or social background. The club executive ensures there are opportunities for mentorship throughout the club and recognises that mentorship does not only take place vertically but also horizontally. Factory members recognise that empowering others does not devalue oneself; rather it creates an environment of growth, strength and curiosity. | Factory is a space for our players to be all in. Every player has permission to express their ambitions and intensity during training and tournaments. It is the area of our players’ lives where they can be entirely embodied as an individual, as part of a team, as part of a club, and as the athlete that is intrinsic and inherent to every one of our players. When Factory players step onto the field they are putting in regardless of skill or circumstance. |
Factory is a community. It is a sporting club that recognises the strength of the individual is integral to the strength of the community and the strength of the community empowers the individual. Factory members support everyone in the community through times of success and times of trouble. Factory members and the Factory club are active participants in the Australian and international Ultimate communities. Factory recognises its responsibility to contribute to the betterment of the broader Ultimate community and provide opportunities for Australian female and non-binary athletes. |